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HMT Entertainment Inc.

All persons (all players, parents, guardians and speculators) attending to HMT gaming centre located at 912 Broadway Avenue, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada (the “Gaming Centre”) are subject to the below rules. Failure to strictly adhere to any Rules may result in refusal to admit any person to the Gaming Centre or may result in ejection of that person and all individuals accompanying that person, without reimbursement of any fees paid.

  • All person under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. At all times minor are the responsibilities of the supervising parent or legal guardian. 

  • No person may engage in any gaming activity unless that person, or if the person is under the age of 18 years of age, that person’s parent or legal guardian, has first reviewed and accepted the terms of User Agreement

  • Any person who appears to be intoxicated will be refused entry to the Gaming Centre and/or will be ejected from the Gaming Centre

  • Use of foul and abusive language is prohibited

  • Threatening, intimidating or disruptive behavior towards any HMT staff or customer is prohibited

  • Customers are responsible for their own gaming cards use and losses.

  • HMT does not accept responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged personal property

  • All players (either gaming-card holder or non-card holder) participate at their own risk. HMT does not assume responsibility for any loss or injury of any nature to any person or property.

  • Staff members are present to ensure the correct use of HMT gaming equipment and to implement the Rules. All person attending the Gaming Centre are required to follow HMT staff directions.

  • Only food and beverages purchased at the Gaming Centre may be consumed at the Gaming Centre and no food or beverages may be taken in or consumed in the gaming areas.

  • People who is not sober after drinking or using drugs; or is unable to control his/her own behaviours are not allowed to participate.

  • Smoking is strictly prohibited by law anywhere within Gaming Centre or immediately near any entrances or exits to and from the Gaming Centre

  • Players must ensure that their playing simulator or station is left in a clean condition at the end of each gaming session

  • All persons attending the Gaming Centre shall not do anything which is disruptive to other players.

  • All HMT card holders is responsible for their own loss, misrepresentative or mistreatment of their own HMT cards.

  • HMT reserves all rights to refuse admission to any person who they have reason to believe will not adhere to the Rules

  • HMT reserves the right to change times, attractions and prices without notification

  • Players are required to promptly report problems with any malfunctioning equipment

  • Games are played in a confined environment, if you are unsure about whether this is suitable or not please discuss your concerns with a member of staff

  • Regular fire sound checks are made – customers must leave the Gaming Centre calmly if the alarm sounds

  • These Rules are subject to change at any time. Please check before participating.


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